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Monday, June 17, 2024

Mini Chapter 1: Bill gets Struck By... Somethin?


W. M. Allison

So one day, Bill was on one of his usual walks through the forested parts of his stomping grounds.

He was by a stream and took a moment to admire the day.

The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, the birds were chirping, all was well.

Which made the bolt of lightning hitting him at that moment all the more surprising, even for Bill.

His body felt a tremendous pain, as if his skull was being cracked right on its forehead with a rock or something similarly heavy and hard.

Bill's body shook involuntarily for a few moments, Bill falling to his knees, teeth clenched so hard they cracked, looking up at the still cloudless sky.

Pecos: wh-what in the hell wa-was thatttt.

Bill's body chattered with the excess electricity that he still felt in his body, He also felt as if something had cracked open his forehead. 

Bill after a few moments regained control over his body mostly and wobbly made his way over to the stream to wash his face off and get some water.

While doing so Bill noticed something he had never seen before nor did he expect.

Where he had felt the lightning hit him in his head was not a wound, but a fully healed scar.

Now Bill doesn't remember getting this scar and he remembers how he got all of them that he already had so it couldn't be one he just forgot about.

And despite Bill's impressive bounce back time, he knew that it would've at least take a little bit longer for a head wound, from what he could only assume to be magical lightning, to heal like this, so it couldn't be from what just hit him.

But then again did anything actually hit him, Bill looks above his head again and still sees the same calm, serene and beautiful day he had seen before, still a baron of clouds.

Quickly Bill made his way home and began to ask some questions to Mamog, Papog and Lightning.

Lightning was the first person Bill talked to, he had no reaction to what Bill thought was a new wound or scare as the case may be, and when Bill pointed to his forehead and directly asked about it, Lightning looked rather shocked and perplexed. 

Lightning: Brother, You've had that since the day we've met, I don't remember seeing you at any point in time without it, you feeling ok?

Bill then sped off and asked Mamog.

Mamog: I'm not sure how you got it Hun, when Coyote brought you to me you already had it, maybe try asking him.

So, Bill sped off and asked Coyote.

Who looked at him for a moment confused until he really looked at the scar.

Coyote really looked at the thing and soon, a grin started to form on his muzzle, a wonderfully devious grin that Pecos knew all too well.

Now... Now Bill was worried, and this worry was only exacerbated when his father began to laugh, and he kept laughing, for 15 minutes. By the end of which Bill was tired and promptly snapped his father out of it with a thunderous snap of his fingers.

After this Coyote looked back at Pecos and simply said.

Coyote: you'll find out my boy, but not from me, and not quite yet hehe.

(This is my version of a part of a story that comes way down the line, but I thought in this instance, it would make sense to tell it as a separate short mini chapter early on and have the pay off come later

Especially with the weird time shenanigan/almost retcon nature of this story, both the little chapter hear and the full chapter that comes later)

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Welcome, now what in Gods green earth is this blog

This is my family's version of the Pecos Bill story, a story held up by oral tradition and usually told non linearly with tails being ra...